Doc Care Health offers a scheme management solution for payers to manage their healthcare schemes and claims processing. 

Our solution assists payers in streamlining the entire healthcare scheme management process, from enrollment to claims management.

As a payer, here are some of the critical features of our scheme management solution that you can benefit from:

  • Enrolment Management: Our solution provides a user-friendly interface for managing enrolment in healthcare schemes, making it easy for payers to handle new member registration, member verification, and policy issuance.

  • Claims Management: The platform streamlines the claims management process, making it easy for payers to manage claims from start to finish. The solution includes pre-authorization, claims processing, and adjudication functionalities.

  • Benefits Management: Our platform allows payers to define the benefits of each healthcare scheme, including covered treatments, medications, and services.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Our scheme management solution includes analytics and reporting tools that provide insights into scheme performance, utilization, and cost.

  • Provider Network Management: The platform allows you as a payer to manage your network of healthcare providers, including contracting, credentialing, and reimbursement.

  • Member Self-Service Portal: Doc care health self-service portal, allowing members to view their benefits, claims status, and healthcare provider network.